Blues Guitar Grooves Study 1



The Jim Sutton Blues Guitar Grooves Study Series is an examination of common blues grooves in a 12 bar format. Each groove is charted in several keys. As the study series progresses, how to write intros and fills is explained. The Blues Guitar Grooves Study Series is a prep course for the Blues Lead Guitar Series.

Blues Guitar Grooves Study 1 looks at 9 single note grooves applied to several keys. Each groove is played in several keys so that the variation of each groove pattern, as it begins from different starting points, can be fully appreciated. The level of difficulty of Blues Guitar Grooves Study 1 is consistent with that of Stage 1 of the Moving Toward Great Guitar Playing Course. This is an introductory level. The study is written in tablature.

This is a Supplementary Lesson. It includes 16 pages and CD.